Sunday, June 7, 2015

America's Willingness to "Help"

September 11, 2001 one will be a day that no one will ever forget. It was a moment in US history where Americans and America itself felt vulnerable after the attacks. This was a moment where everybody in the world realized that America was not the powerful and super country that it had claimed to be. Before this, Bill Clinton had told the people of America and the world that the US was a very powerful country and that it would use that power to help other nations that are in trouble that need it. This has proven as a beneficial thing as well as a liability to us. We have gained new alliances from helping other countries and beneficial resources as well. This also has allowed us to set an "example" of what countries with power like America should do, playing as a role model. However, it also is confusing as to why the US gets itself involved with other nation's conflicts. Like with ISIS, we could bring nations together to go against the threats. This can prove as a huge problem where we can lose money for a cause that could bring little to no direct benefits to us. We could also create enemies from helping certain sides and this could cause future problems and we could potentially create enemies by helping them and then leaving them in the developing stages. An example of this would be Cuba where Fidel Castro rose to power and instated communism after the US left. This can also be the same for Afghanistan and the Taliban as the Taliban was the creation of the US and they became corrupted after the USA decided to leave after not completing their task.