Sunday, September 21, 2014

Slavery in America

This week in American Studies we learned about how America adopted the idea of slavery. The reason behind slavery was because the economy of the south was mainly based on agriculture, their most important crop being cotton. The amount of labor was too much for them as they had other things to look after, and that is when they entered the slave trade. This brought blacks from Africa into America where they started to work on the plantations for long, hard hours. Many people wondered why they couldn't use the Native Americans, as they were within "hand's reach" and were also were living in America as well. The Native's couldn't nearly do the amount of work the African slaves could and the African slaves had a better body build and physique than the Native Americans. There was no space for the Indians to reside with the colonists that the Indians had to be put on ships and shipped to the West Indies. At one point, there were more Africans coming in to America than Indians being shipped out of America. The act of slavery caused many conflicts in the United States, mainly between states together. Some people thought the idea of enslaving people were against humanity as everyone is created equal, while others believed that it was beneficial to the economy of the south and is driving America. This would in turn lead to the bloodiest war in United States history when the people of America turn against each other and split themselves into two, which is known as the Civil War.  


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